
Page | 26 Best Practices presented by Caminos AschG Law Name and contact details of lead organisation: The ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz “AschG- Novelle (BGBI. I Nr. 118/2012) law is controlled by the labour inspectorate and it has to be implemented by each employer. Type of Best Practice: National Law in Austria Purpose/Aim of the Tool/Programme/Resource: The AschG aims to ensure that employees are not subjected to unnecessary physical and psychological hazards and strains. It is mandatory for employers to review the workplace of their employees and document the findings, as well as to undertake the necessary measures. Short description of the methods/output and how they were implemented: Apart from stating what hazards are to be looked out for, the AschG (in its version of 2013) requires employers to conduct reviews of workplace security. The AschG explicitly states that psychological hazards are also to be considered. These reviews must be conducted regularly, but also specifically after significant changes have been made to the workplace, such as the introduction of new machinery and working materials that could pose a hazard. These evaluations can be conducted externally, and the findings are reported to the employer, who should take them into account to improve the health at the workplace. For this, interviews are being conducted and inspections are done by external experts, Employers who decline taking recommended measures must suggest viable and adequate alternatives if they do so. Provide an overview of the outcomes and lessons learned which are relevant or transferable to the BooStress project: This model might be helpful for the BooStress project, as it helps provide an example also for stakeholders and legislators in other countries should they consider similar legislation to ensure the continued mental health of employees. There are guidelines how to measure psychical stress and which measures employers must undertake to reduce or avoid these hazards. It concerns requirements, work organisation, working hours, social relations, work environment. Links/references to relevant websites/reports etc.: AschG (in German): Videos (in German): and