
Page | 4 Introduction to the BooStress eBook This Health and Safety Skills Ecosystem and Methodological Framework eBook constitutes the first intellectual output of the BooStress project. The purpose of this intellectual output is to present the findings from the European and national research activities undertaken by BooStress project partners. The BooStress project is currently being developed and implemented by partners in Cyprus, Ireland and Spain. All participating partner organisations from these countries completed an extensive research process at the beginning of the BooStress project, with the aim of presenting the state-of-the-art in relation to stress management policies, procedures and resources that are currently in practice among the European workforce. Specifically, through our research activities, we aimed to identify ICT tools which currently provide stress management training and support to young professionals; to highlight gaps in the provision of stress management supports to this target group and lastly to assess the needs of the target groups in the partner countries and in other EU Member States. As well as presenting the ICT tools, gaps in provision and needs of the target group; this eBook also includes a review of recent research on the topic of workplace stress and the impact it has on European businesses. Additionally, in the appendices to this eBook, a short profile of specific good practices and examples of stress management tools and resources for young professionals is presented. As well and presenting the findings from our desk-based and empirical research, the BooStress eBook also makes recommendations that will impact the future development of the project and will advise how the educational tools and resources are designed and piloted with the target group. Specifically, this eBook now acts as a reference document for all partners in developing the BooStress products by guiding and informing the development of all other intellectual outputs, as follows: • IO2 – BooStress Curriculum and Toolbox of Key Skills Acquisition Resources • IO3 – BooStress Multifunctional and Interactive Platform – Open Educational and Training E- Resource and Mobile Application • IO4 – BooStress Skills Assessment, Validation and Recognition Tools • IO5 – Infusion of the BooStress Package in the labour market – Adaptation and Policy Package The content of the eBook is based on the findings presented in the Transnational Report which has been produced by FIPL as coordinator of this first intellectual output. The findings presented in this Report reflect the outcomes from the three national and one EU report produced by project partners during this initial stage of the project. To develop these respective reports, partners completed a literature review to present the state-of-the-art in relation to stress management in their own countries and undertook empirical research with local members of the project target group; namely, young professionals under the age of 35, and employers and stakeholders who work to support this target group. As such, research reports were produced which present the situation for young professionals in Cyprus, Ireland and Spain. As part of this project, research was also completed by partners at European level, specifically in EU Member States that are not represented in the project consortium. The purpose of completing research at European level was to complement the research undertaken by project partners at national levels and to elicit comparable results from other European countries. The research process ensured that partners were better informed to understand how young professionals are supported to manage stress in other countries and to identify suitable best practices in other EU Member States where available.