
Contributions from: 2
Table of Contents 3
Introduction to the BooStress eBook 4
Stress in the European Workplace 5
Stress Management in Europe 6
Stress Management in Cyprus 8
Stress Management in Ireland 9
Stress Management in Spain 10
Undertaking Empirical Research in Europe 11
Findings from Empirical Research in Europe 12
Findings National Empirical Research 13
Empirical Research Findings from Cyprus 13
Empirical Research Findings from Ireland 15
Empirical Research Findings from Spain 18
Recommendations & Suggestions for the BooStress Project 19
Conclusion 22
References 23
Appendices: Examples of Best Practice in Managing Stress 25
Best Practices presented by Caminos 26
AschG Law 26
Best Practices presented by CARDET 27
Risk Assessment Techniques 27
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 28
Training Courses in Stress Management for Health Care Providers and other employees 29
Best Practices presented by FIPL 30
Best Practice in Work-related Stress Management Interventions 30
Calm Smartphone App 32
Headspace Smartphone App 33