Educators and managers from Ireland recently tested some of the BooStress Assessment, Validation and Recognition Tools (IO4) developed by FIPL to assess the success of the BooStress training package in developing the stress management skills of young employees. The testing was completed by a local company, who employs young staff and also has a team of educators on their pay roll. For this activity, young employees completed some of the online modules and used the resources in the BooStress training package. They then competed the self-assessment and self-validation tools and submitted these to educators in the company to review. What they found was that these tools, as well as allowing young employees the opportunity to ‘self-assess’ and to recognise their own stress management skills; they can also be used by in-house trainers, managers, HR professionals and young employees to start a dialogue about stress in the workplace and to begin to assess levels of stress on a company-wide basis. This is a new use for the BooStress tools but shows an added value of the BooStress training package that was not foreseen at the beginning of the project.